
Your help and what is needed

You can only give a rich person a flower as a gift and they appreciate it. Poor person who may probably be hungry will not appreciate it because they need something to eat first. Again, poor person who has no good house has no where to hang flower at home. It's good you learn to give gift people according to their needs. 

Poor people don't know another meaning of love or gifting if it's not to help them and offer them their pressing needs. Poor people have survival instinct. They can't collect flower with empty stomach. It is he who has ate enough that demands for extra meats.

Givers should learn that we all are not product of the same environment. People have different problems and needs and so treasure those things that solve the problems. Don't give someone flowers when in actual sense they need to quench hunger. Don't give wrist watch to a naked person, clothes should come first. Someone who just secured food in an occasion will have water in their next demand. Stop giving one crate of beer worth of ₦4,500 to someone who needs a help of ₦2,000 in cash.

Don't just help, help according to the need of the receiver. The help you give may be more expensive than what is needed at the time but once your help is not the immediate need, it becomes a misplaced priority.

Naza Christian Iruka 


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