
IDENTITY CRISES by Sis. Rosemary Adaeze (Dr. Possible)

Sis. Rosemary Adaeze (Dr. Possible)

We do have a lot to learn from this stingy people trend.

So, men are withholding money and women decided to close their legs. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Women, can you be bought with money?

It's well

Later, I'll address the stinginess issue. Right now, I want to speak to women.

Sisters, anything that can be bought with money, no matter the amount, is cheap. Cos, there's always someone who can buy it.

That's why nobody can purchase salvation with money. There was need for something priceless that can purchase something priceless. Only the blood of Jesus could purchase our salvation.

No matter how rich you are, you can't buy your way into heaven. That's the definition of pricelessness. The most expensive things are things that money cannot buy.

Money cannot buy life. Once you're dead, you're gone. Watch how people do everything possible to keep their lives.

Again, money cannot buy a Good Woman.

Someone might wonder what exactly she has that money cannot buy. It's unfortunate that we do not understand the treasure we carry in these earthen vessels.

If God says that whoever finds a wife receives favour from God, who has deceived you into believing that a man's money can buy you?

Can a man buy favour from God? How much does he want to give God for her? Who buys anything from God?

You need to understand who you are. Do you even understand?

God brought Adam a helper, not because Adam paid Him. But because he was in Eden (the presence of God), fulfilling purpose and God decided to reward Him with a gift tailored to make his life better.

Only God can give you to a man. Imagine if it's now money that happens to do that. Isn't that rather degrading and insulting?

I think the problem lies in identity crises. Whatever you submit to, becomes your god.

If you decide to submit to money and let it dictate what you do, I must say that first, you've lost your identity as a kingdom daughter. Secondly, you need to return to God so that He can show you who you are.

You're too big to be bought. Once you resolve your identity crises, you will equally understand that sex is not the only thing you can offer.

I think you probably sell yourself short, because you wonder what else the man would gain from you anyway. You think you're not such a big deal. Let me just give you a little highlight on what you carry. Just a tip on the iceberg.

You're a vision carrier. You're a favour waiting to explode. You're a multiplier. Once you enter a man's life, every good thing begins to multiply. You multiply his thousand into ten thousand.

Your price is above rubies. You carry in you, everything that a man does not have and everything he needs to fulfil destiny.

If he is the generator, you're the fuel. He needs you. If he is the building, you're the foundation. He needs you.

You're the tender, soft, warm spot of light that brightens a man's world. You're his peace and bible calls you his reward for all the earthly toil. That is, God gives you as a reward. You're the treasure He gives to a man. (Ecclesiastes 9:9)

If you understand whom you are, you'll understand that money can be made, but you can never be replicated.

You're the only you in the whole world and forever. Nobody carries the unique treasures God has printed upon your thumb.

The rule of exchange is that you give something in exchange for something with equal value. So, how in the world can a life-giving Spirit be bought with money?

Do you know what happened when Simon tried to buy the Holy Spirit in Acts of the apostles? It was blasphemy. The enormity of the situation was unbearable.

That's exactly what it looks like when someone tries to buy you with money. Or do you not realise that you're one spirit with God?

Jesus had to die to bring you into His kingdom. And you think any sum of money can purchase you? Someone that God died for?

Please, I need you to spend some time searching scriptures for your identity. If you understand who you are, you will realise that no amount of money can buy you. 

When the purpose of something is not understood, abuse is inevitable.

Only God can give you, like a gift that adds value. Bible says that He who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favour from God.

I hope I have convinced you beyond any self doubt, that you cannot be bought with money.

Once you correct this thought process, everything in your life will be corrected and you will learn to carry yourself like the King's daughter that you are.

God bless you.

© Adaeze Rosemary Possible


Unknown said...

Wow!!!! My dear this is great!!!
We are priceless. Halleluyah.

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