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The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB's new policy


Write post-UTME at your first choice

institution, JAMB tells candidates

On july 28, 2015 at 5:19 pm in news
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For Registering Domain Names, I trust DomainKing.NG By Dayo Adesulu
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation
Board, JAMB has back-off on its new policy
adopted on July 14 to redistribute candidates
to universities.
JAMB’s Public Relation Officer, Mr. Benjamin
Fabian who disclosed this to Vanguard
Tuesday in a telephone conversations said:
”Candidates should go and write the post-
UTME in their institutions of first choices.”
He, however noted that after the post-UTME in
their universities of first choice, if necessary,
JAMB is still going to redistribute them.
He said: “When they write the post-UTME in
the schools of their first choices, they may
wish to consider the other places we have
taken them to for admissions.
”The reason is that if they don’t get admission
in their first choices institution, they will get in
the second.”
He explained that JAMB’s effort in
redistributing candidates was only geared
towards helping candidates of over-subscribed
institutions gain admission to other federal or
state universities rather than wasting their
You will recalled that JAMB had last week
announced its new policy to redistributes
candidates to universities other than their first
The development which generated sharp
criticism from stakeholders almost paralysed
some of the most sought after universities in
the country.


The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) at
its 2015 Combined Policy Meeting, held on July 14, 2015
in Abuja, announced the adoption of a policy whereby
candidates of universities with surplus applicants for the
Unified Matriculation Examinations (UTME) are
reassigned to other universities with lower number of
candidates than their capacities.
According to the Registrar/CEO of JAMB, Professor Dibu
Ojerinde, the policy portends two benefits:
It will be beneficial to “needy Universities” that is
universities with lower number of candidates than their
capacities, as this will ensure that these universities will
have more candidates to admit.
Candidates will have better chances for admission in the
universities they are re-assigned to, contrary to
situations where they would await admission in the
universities of their first choices until the admission
exercise closes and they forfeit admission in that
This policy has been implemented with immediate effect.
And is currently being used to determine eligibility of
candidates to write the Post-UTME in their respective
choice institutions.

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