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 One of the ways to get the world growing is to learn skill and also to be mentored. 

More intelligence or more emotion?

 Where is the love if conscious mental processes should supercede emotions in any relationship? This is where people get it wrong in dealing with human behaviours.

Those who apply more intelligence than emotions in dealing with you have selectively pinpointed their interests and are shrewd in pursuit of them, deferring reactions to maltreatments or any annoying action from anybody until their intentions are met.

Those who apply more emotions than intelligence are more real. They get angry easily because emotions push them to register their displeasure at a slight provocation. They are easily misunderstood because they have no place to hide anger. They are the most hated, their mood swing rise and fall like a Naira against Dollar. They love for real, and always trying to keep to their words. Unfortunately, this their real intentions and love are always misunderstood and paid back with evil.

Those who say, "throw away emotions" are actually not preaching genuine love. Where is the love without emotions? When we all throw away emotions, deception and sycophancy becomes the order, empathy dies.

emotional intelligence is good but when intelligence is greater than emotion, one person is cheating or deceiving the other party in one way or the other. Instead, keep them on balance. 


Your help and what is needed

You can only give a rich person a flower as a gift and they appreciate it. Poor person who may probably be hungry will not appreciate it because they need something to eat first. Again, poor person who has no good house has no where to hang flower at home. It's good you learn to give gift people according to their needs. 

Poor people don't know another meaning of love or gifting if it's not to help them and offer them their pressing needs. Poor people have survival instinct. They can't collect flower with empty stomach. It is he who has ate enough that demands for extra meats.

Givers should learn that we all are not product of the same environment. People have different problems and needs and so treasure those things that solve the problems. Don't give someone flowers when in actual sense they need to quench hunger. Don't give wrist watch to a naked person, clothes should come first. Someone who just secured food in an occasion will have water in their next demand. Stop giving one crate of beer worth of ₦4,500 to someone who needs a help of ₦2,000 in cash.

Don't just help, help according to the need of the receiver. The help you give may be more expensive than what is needed at the time but once your help is not the immediate need, it becomes a misplaced priority.

Naza Christian Iruka 

Ebonyi Government gifts New car to MC Walter

 A Brand New Toyota Fortuner SUV for MC Walter Chukwuemeka from the Executive Governor of Ebonyi State, His Excellency Rt Hon Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru.

The Nigerian Youth of this generation has failed the country.

Naza Christian Iruka 

This generation of the Youth has failed this country. You and I reading this post have failed Nigeria. It's very sad.

Activism has died a natural dead. Civil disobedience is now a story of the past not because the leaders have improved and become better but because some voices have been tamed and silenced while others with loud voices to complain what is not right in the society have been appointed into media and publicity offices.

The opposition parties have failed. Opposition parties used to be watch dog to the government but today's own are group of people who struggle to grab power to enrich themselves.

People like Gani, Falana, Afa Babalola, etc started at age lesser than we are today. What happened to our own generation of youth? Today, Omoyele Sowore, Adeyanju Deji, etc have done their best and are giving up gradually because the youth are not supporting well enough. Should activism die? How will the government know the reaction of the commoners to harsh government policies. Fuel price has thrown the country into infertile ground, who is to tell the government how painful it is to the low income earners.

Activism should be rekindled. It's a great way to show patriotism. Those around the ruling class can never tell them the truth that an activist or one in opposition party can tell him.

Naza Christian Iruka 

What the High fuel price has caused in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State


While on Okada moving along Afikpo road today, I saw people on long queue in a petrol filling station. I asked the Okada man carrying me if he knows the reason for the long queue and he said that it's because the petrol station is selling at ₦617 per little. Immediately my eyes were engorged with tears 😭😭

How did Nigeria get here😭

Fuel that was ₦97 in no distant time! How do the commoners adapt to the sudden adjustment which is not gradually but skyrocketed from the least to the highest!

How will the Okada man survive the sudden surge in fuel price? Fuel is ₦650 per litre but those who patronize the Okada people price their service to a distance place at ₦200 😭. The motorcycle occasionally spoils and the services of repairers will be needed, Parts will be bought.

Severally, I have said, to me, meaning of subsidy removal in Nigeria is to build Nigeria owned and controlled refinery, and there won't be need to subsidize anything again. Anything far from that is to intentionally subject the masses to untold agony.

May God help Nigeria and force good purpose into our leaders.

Naza Christian Iruka 

Which is correct? Chidinma or Chidimma?



  Okoro Mark Ogbonnaya Maazi Ogbonnaya Okoro  

Over the years, grammatical anomalies have been committed regarding ways to write some Igbo names or words. On social media, series of "nma" and "mma" challenge have taken place.

Many people opined that their dialect pronounce "nma",  others said no, it is "mma". Some said "mma" means mother while "nma" means beauty. They are phonologically unexposed to know the importance of tone marking in Igbo heteronyms.  Others say "mma" is knife while "nma" means beauty. 

Let me first initiate the idea that "nma" is anglicised form of mma which does not follow the phonotatic rules of the Igbo language.

In Igbo language, "M" and "N" are consonants. But unique in a way. They are syllabic nasals. In Igbo phonotatic rule, there is no consonant cluster. That is why Nsukka, Onitsha, Owerri are wrong. They are not Igbo. Instead the correct spellings are Nsụka, Ọnịcha and Owere.

But "M" and "N" can come together to form a meaningful word. This time, the repeated "M" or "N" is no longer a consonant cluster but as one stands for syllabic nasal (myiriụdaume), another one stands for consonant (mgbochiume) The first one can take tone mark but the second one cannot. Eg:












The first "m" stands for a syllabic nasal. It takes tone mark.  But the following "m" stands for consonant, it does not take tone mark.

Coming to "N", the same rule goes. Eg:







 The first "n" is not functioning as a consonant but syllabic nasal. It takes tone mark; while the following "n" is a consonant. It does not take tone mark.


Igbo phonotactic rule states that:

1. "M" cannot meet with "N" to form a word. Like "Mna" "Mnadụ" "Mnegbu".

2. "N" cannot meet with "M" to form a word. Like:





    Nmanya, etc.

What we have are these:

* "M" goes with "m" eg:

   Mmá =beauty

   Mmà= knife




* "N" goes with "N" eg:

    Nneka (not Nmeka)



    Nnọrọ, etc.

Another point that disproves "Nma" is this. The place of articulation of "M" and the place of articulation  of "N" is not the same.

While "M" is a bilabial speech sound (the upper and lower lips emerge together to produce it) then "N" is produced when the tongue rise up to the hard palate and clenched with the upper teeth. Though both are nasalised voice sounds, that is why they are called syllabic nasal only when they function as vowels as enumerated above.

What we are discussing here is Igbo izugbe and rules of writing Igbo. Those of you claiming that Chidịmma is Chidịnma, you are failing the Igbo grammatical rules of word formation. Those of you writing mmegbu as nmegbu, you are failing the grammatical rules of the Igbo language.

The aforementioned points are the reason why "Nma" is wrong. it does not go at all. Some people say: " that is what we have been pronouncing since". They can even be telling you that "n" came first before "m". 

Yes! Ihe ọjọọ gbaa afọ ọ bụrụ omenala. When an evil thing persists, it turns to tradition. That you have been pronouncing this for long does not make it right.

And some people asked: "who made the rules? Are they not Igbo like me?"

These same people are hypocritically hunting for new English grammar books to learn new grammar and how to speak  and write well. They never questioned those who made the English grammatical rules they obey.

The truth is, no one made any linguistic rule. Grammatical rules can be proven. From its nature, we see the rules naturally made before anyone say them out or put them down. That is to to say that grammatical rules are formed following the nature of the language..

© Maazi Ogbonnaya Okoro

Elon Musk battles with Mark Zuckerberg over copying Threads from Twitter

Mark Zuckerberg (Meta) is trying at all cost to create monopoly in micro blogging (social media) business. Definitely he is sad that Elon Musk took over Twitter and is building it to competitive and enviable state.

 Mark has Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Reels, Messenger and now Threads. 

The worst about Mark is that he doesn't allow freedom of speech. The way he sensors posts, delete accounts at will and suspends accounts too is very bad. It is believed that if there's no competition like the Twitter is doing, Mark Zuckerberg would have adversely infringed on the right of the users of his product. 

Mark is very bias. He showed this during the US election. He used his platforms to promote his preferred candidates and censored the posts of those he doesn't like. No neutrality in his business.

The biggest problem that Twitter has in competing with Zuckerberg's platforms is return (gain-making) strategy. Elon Musk, a shrewd businessman always thinking of gain without considering factors that would keep people engaged in the Twitter. Elon always monitizing everything.



Happiness amidst troubles 

 When we make huge mistake that threatens our future, we find it hard to forgive ourselves. Our minds cling so much on how better we could have become if the mistake was averted and this lead to subsequent depression and despondence.

The truth is that forgiving ourselves is very paramount. We must clean our ass and prepare to either start over or at the last place before the fall. We must do this..

Adversity strengthens us against future adverse occurrences which are certain that they must come because they are part of life.

Just imagine a life without worry! Jehova Witness in one of their publications questioned, "will problem ever end?" will the envisaged heaven by Christians ever happen to mankind on this earth (life without worries)! This is a rhetorical question because we all know the answer.

 Problems plague the world and no one is immuned. It is part of a process in life and we all have to pass through it. Not even the richest man on earth is worry-free. Some of them have health problems that give them excruciating pains at all times that their food is selective, personalized and synthesized. They also have downtown in businesses and emotional instabilities emanating from unfavorable relationships.

In Orji Uzor Kalu's voice, "Nigeria is not fair to some of us" but I tell him that life is not fair to anyone. The rich also cry just like the poor. Take your time to count your blessings and you will see reasons to thank God. Sahd Guru said, "we come to earth with nothing and what the hell that happens, we are at the profit side."

It's my encouragement that while we do our best everyday and the anticipated result has not surfaced, patience with persistence should not leave our corner. There are people who have worse problems and they have not killed themselves. In fact, they are happier.

Believe, nature is in control.

Everything expires.

Naza Christian Iruka 


No one should be afraid of Jonathan - Reno Omokri


I almost exclaimed Et tu, Brute?, after reading Ike Abonyi’s piece with the title ‘Jonathan’s 2023 Selfish Gamble”. Because if anybody should accuse former President Jonathan of selfishness, it should not be Ike, for obvious reasons.

And it cuts to the bone when Ike says “political players tend to reason selfishly when it comes to domiciling political power.”

As I write this, former President Jonathan is probably the most selfless person, not just in Nigeria, but in West Africa, and possibly Africa. Dr Jonathan and the word selfish do not belong in the same sentence. And I find it very disturbing that no less a person, than the special adviser to the Peoples Democratic Party Chairman, Ike Abonyi, would write this. Why? What type of gaslighting is this?

Since 2015, former President Jonathan has spent his post Presidential life building consensus and rapprochement within the PDP. He is not paid for this. He is doing it because it is an extension of his omega personality. He reconciled the party after the October 7, 2018, PDP Presidential primary threw up former Vice President Atiku Abubakar. He reconciled the differences within the PDP during the Sheriff saga.

I do not want to say too much on the main issue Ike Abonyi raised. But what I can say publicly, confidently, and without fear of contradiction, is that former President Jonathan is not a threat to anybody in the Peoples Democratic Party. Read between the lines Ike (and those behind him). Headlines should not move people. The media is a business. They know what will sell. Show some political maturity and refuse to be so gullible to the extent that you believe everything you read.

What the PDP needs now is unity, not a witch-hunt against Dr Jonathan. We ‘lost’ the 2019 Presidential election because we could not afford to put at least one man (or woman) as an agent in each of the 120,000 polling units in Nigeria on Election Day.

We need to come together to make sure that that mistake is not repeated in 2023. And to do that, we need cohesion, internal unity, a pooling of our resources, and a network of committed party loyalists nationwide.

Sowing seeds of discord, like Ike has done, will not help our cause. Not at all. In his New Year message, the Chairman of the PDP, Uche Secondus, in a statement ironically released by Ike, urged Nigerians to use 2021 to save Nigeria.

How does Ike and those he represents intend to do that by attacking the man who is the face of democracy in Africa?

I mean, considering the effort former President Jonathan has put into advancing democracy in Africa, it almost amounts to sheer madness that someone who is a spokesman to his party chairman will write about him the way Ike has done.

Look at what he has achieved in Mali as Special Envoy of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Nobody thought it was possible to bring peace to Mali, including some of those who applauded when GEJ was appointed.

Yet, at significant risks to his life, Dr Jonathan went to Mali seven times, even visiting the troubled regions in the hinterland, and meeting the influential Islamic clerics who inspired fighters amongst the protesters.

He finally persuaded the military junta to release ousted President Keïta on August 27, 2020. He got them to agree to a transitional government, sworn in on Friday, September 25, 2020, with Mr Jonathan in attendance.

The PDP should be so proud of this effort, as well as Dr Jonathan’s role in advancing democracy in Tanzania, South Africa, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Mozambique. I am beside myself, trying to understand why Ike did what he did. What is the motive? It is not helpful to him or those he represents.

Ike writes that he expects “former President Goodluck Jonathan to be forthright and unqualified in reacting to his name being dropped in some quarters as a hopeful for the Aso Rock in 2023.”

Let me burst Ike’s bubble-when you have gotten to the level in life where God has put former President Jonathan, you talk, not because you want to say something, but because you have something to say.

Ike alleged that “Jonathan’s current position (on restructuring) is being influenced by his strange dream of returning to power in 2023 and needed to find himself on the same side with his new partners.”

Is it that Ike is trying to revise history or he is so eager to please those who sent him on this errand that he has forgotten, or perhaps was never aware, that the stand former President Jonathan took at the 18th Daily Trust Dialogue, on January 21, 2021, is consistent with the stand that he has always taken on restructuring, which is that Nigeria needs restructuring, but that restructuring on its own will not solve all of Nigeria’s challenges, excerpt we also “restructure our minds.”

This was a position former President Jonathan took as far back as 2012 when Dahiru Musdapher was the chief justice of Nigeria, and he (then President Jonathan) had called a stakeholder meeting to address the delay in trying corruption cases.

Musdapher attended the meeting with one chief judge from each of the six geo-political zones, along with then-Senate President David Mark, then-Speaker Aminu Tambuwal, then-chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Ibrahim Lamorde, and Ekpo Nta, then-chairman of the ICPC.

At that meeting, former President Jonathan and Musdapher came to a joint agreement that Nigerians needed a mind restructuring to understand that stealing should not be branded as corruption, but should be called stealing, because when you tag it corruption, it makes it less odious! He even said Nigerians should use the word ole (Yoruba for thief) when referring to thieving politicians.

One of the issues that restructuring is meant to tackle is the corruption and injustice in the system, and former President Jonathan was repeating his point of 2012.

He was not trying to appease the North, as Ike asserted.

And you can imagine a media adviser to the PDP Chairman writing that “It is so disgusting and disheartening that President Jonathan’s administration was so underwhelming in performance to the extent that Nigerians wanted anything but him.”

Sad. Very sad. But let me remind Ike that under Jonathan both the World Economic Forum and CNNMoney projected Nigeria as the fourth and third fastest growing economy globally respectively. It was also under Jonathan that we overtook South Africa as Africa’s largest economy and generated our highest GDP growth rate of 6.3% in 2014.

May I also remind Ike that under Jonathan, Nigeria was the top FDI destination in Africa, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Is Ike unaware that under Jonathan, Nigeria was acknowledged by the International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI, as having reduced hunger levels by 2013. Their annual Global Hunger Index showed that Nigeria’s index dropped ‪from 16.3‬ in 2005 to 15 in 2013. This led to Nigeria receiving an FAO award for reducing poverty on June 19, 2013. Today, Nigeria is the world headquarters for extreme poverty.

Or is he forgetting that under Jonathan, in 2014, Nigeria made her best ever improvement on the annual Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, moving from 144 the previous year, to 136, an 8 point improvement. Whereas, according to Transparency International, Nigeria is more corrupt today than it was under the previous administration, having moved 13 places backwards in the CPI, from 136 in 2014 to 149 in 2021 (our worst performance ever.)

 Ike should also be informed that Jonathan built 165 almajiri schools and 14 new federal universities, with 10 of those in the North. As a result, of the 1,543,683 who took the West African Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) in 2013, 1,074,065 obtained five credits and above, representing a 70 per cent pass rate. The significance of this will not be appreciated until you consider the fact that in the previous year, 2012, only 615,123 representing 39% of those who took the examinations obtained five credits and above. Meanwhile, today, Nigeria is the world headquarters for out of school children because not a single new university has been completed since 2015 and no new almajiri schools has been built to cater for the 13.5 million children who roam the streets of a Northern Nigeria without access to formal education.

Former President Jonathan lost the 2015 Presidential election not because of the poorly defined reason given by Ike, but because Bola Tinubu made a deal with General Buhari and supported him on the understanding that after his tenure, Buhari will hand over to him.

I study politics like a science. Go through the results of each of the elections that Buhari has participated in between 2003 and 2019.

In 2003, Buhari secured 12,710,022 votes. In 2011 he got 12,214,853 votes. In both of these elections, the bulk of his 12 million votes (about 89%) came from the North.

But in 2015, Buhari was able to amass 15,424,921 votes, because of the Southwest in general and because of Tinubu specifically.

General Buhari has never exceeded 12 million votes in the North every time he contested against a Southerner. He has always been consistent with that number. He has a captive audience in the North and is anathema in the South. He needed a Southern Quisling and he found his mark in Tinubu.

And when he lost, Jonathan was honourable. He conceded while the votes were being counted and did not go to court to challenge his loss (the first time such a thing happened in Nigeria).

And Ike ends his piece saying “Those routing (Ike, learn to spell. It is rooting, not routing) for Jonathan knows (and it is know, not knows) as a fact that he could not turn this nation away from drifting.”

Well, I end mine by asking Ike to face those ‘routing’ for Jonathan, and leave Jonathan alone. He has not asked anyone to ‘rout’ for him!

Reno Omokri

Albertina Nigeria Ltd is recruiting

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IDENTITY CRISES by Sis. Rosemary Adaeze (Dr. Possible)

Sis. Rosemary Adaeze (Dr. Possible)

We do have a lot to learn from this stingy people trend.

So, men are withholding money and women decided to close their legs. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Women, can you be bought with money?

It's well

Later, I'll address the stinginess issue. Right now, I want to speak to women.

Sisters, anything that can be bought with money, no matter the amount, is cheap. Cos, there's always someone who can buy it.

That's why nobody can purchase salvation with money. There was need for something priceless that can purchase something priceless. Only the blood of Jesus could purchase our salvation.

No matter how rich you are, you can't buy your way into heaven. That's the definition of pricelessness. The most expensive things are things that money cannot buy.

Money cannot buy life. Once you're dead, you're gone. Watch how people do everything possible to keep their lives.

Again, money cannot buy a Good Woman.

Someone might wonder what exactly she has that money cannot buy. It's unfortunate that we do not understand the treasure we carry in these earthen vessels.

If God says that whoever finds a wife receives favour from God, who has deceived you into believing that a man's money can buy you?

Can a man buy favour from God? How much does he want to give God for her? Who buys anything from God?

You need to understand who you are. Do you even understand?

God brought Adam a helper, not because Adam paid Him. But because he was in Eden (the presence of God), fulfilling purpose and God decided to reward Him with a gift tailored to make his life better.

Only God can give you to a man. Imagine if it's now money that happens to do that. Isn't that rather degrading and insulting?

I think the problem lies in identity crises. Whatever you submit to, becomes your god.

If you decide to submit to money and let it dictate what you do, I must say that first, you've lost your identity as a kingdom daughter. Secondly, you need to return to God so that He can show you who you are.

You're too big to be bought. Once you resolve your identity crises, you will equally understand that sex is not the only thing you can offer.

I think you probably sell yourself short, because you wonder what else the man would gain from you anyway. You think you're not such a big deal. Let me just give you a little highlight on what you carry. Just a tip on the iceberg.

You're a vision carrier. You're a favour waiting to explode. You're a multiplier. Once you enter a man's life, every good thing begins to multiply. You multiply his thousand into ten thousand.

Your price is above rubies. You carry in you, everything that a man does not have and everything he needs to fulfil destiny.

If he is the generator, you're the fuel. He needs you. If he is the building, you're the foundation. He needs you.

You're the tender, soft, warm spot of light that brightens a man's world. You're his peace and bible calls you his reward for all the earthly toil. That is, God gives you as a reward. You're the treasure He gives to a man. (Ecclesiastes 9:9)

If you understand whom you are, you'll understand that money can be made, but you can never be replicated.

You're the only you in the whole world and forever. Nobody carries the unique treasures God has printed upon your thumb.

The rule of exchange is that you give something in exchange for something with equal value. So, how in the world can a life-giving Spirit be bought with money?

Do you know what happened when Simon tried to buy the Holy Spirit in Acts of the apostles? It was blasphemy. The enormity of the situation was unbearable.

That's exactly what it looks like when someone tries to buy you with money. Or do you not realise that you're one spirit with God?

Jesus had to die to bring you into His kingdom. And you think any sum of money can purchase you? Someone that God died for?

Please, I need you to spend some time searching scriptures for your identity. If you understand who you are, you will realise that no amount of money can buy you. 

When the purpose of something is not understood, abuse is inevitable.

Only God can give you, like a gift that adds value. Bible says that He who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favour from God.

I hope I have convinced you beyond any self doubt, that you cannot be bought with money.

Once you correct this thought process, everything in your life will be corrected and you will learn to carry yourself like the King's daughter that you are.

God bless you.

© Adaeze Rosemary Possible

Atiku Abubakar rejected the outcome of the Nigeria Presidential election

Atiku Abubakar wrote:
Democracy Will Not Be Emasculated in Nigeria

I thank the Nigerian people who trooped out in their millions to perform their civic duty this past Saturday. The patriotism of Nigerians is heartwarming and affirms my oft-repeated statement that we are brothers and sisters born from the womb of one mother Nigeria.

With regards to the Presidential elections that took place on February 23, 2019, it is clear that there were manifest and premeditated malpractices in many states which negate the results announced.

One obvious red flag is the statistical impossibility of states ravaged by the war on terror generating much higher voter turnouts than peaceful states. The suppressed votes in my strongholds are so apparent and amateurish, that I am ashamed as a Nigerian that such could be allowed to happen. How can total votes in Akwa-Ibom, for instance, be 50% less than what they were in 2015?

Another glaring anomaly is the disruption of voting in strongholds of the Peoples Democratic Party in Lagos, Akwa-Ibom, Rivers and diverse other states, with the authorities doing little or nothing and in some cases facilitating these unfortunate situations.

The militarization of the electoral process is a disservice to our democracy and a throwback to the jackboot era of military dictatorship. In some areas of the country, such as, Rivers, Akwa Ibom and Imo states, troops deployed for the elections turned their guns on the very citizens they were meant to protect. This is condemnable and should not be associated with our electoral process in the future.

I am a democrat and there are democratic avenues available to present the truth to the nation and the watching world. Already, many international observers have given their verdicts, which corroborate our observations. I am sure more will come in the coming hours and days.

If I had lost in a free and fair election, I would have called the victor within seconds of my being aware of his victory to offer not just my congratulations, but my services to help unite Nigeria by being a bridge between the North and the South.

However, in my democratic struggles for the past three decades, I have never seen our democracy so debased as it was on Saturday, February 23, 2019. 2007 was a challenge, but President Yar’Adua was remorseful. In 2019, it is sad to see those who trampled on democracy thumping their noses down on the Nigerian people.

Consequently, I hereby reject the result of the February 23, 2019 sham election and will be challenging it in court.

I want to assure my supporters and the entire Nigerian people that together, we will not allow democracy to be emasculated.

I hope and pray Nigerians will someday summon the courage to defend democracy. That is the only way we can move away from being the world headquarters for extreme poverty.

Waziri Atiku Abubakar
27th February 2019

Politics: Posterity will remember Buhari for rigging - Naza Christian says

You are parading with a stolen shoe. You can never wear it with confidence because it is not your own. You stole a mandate and hope to give quality leadership, never. Buhari and APC rigged massively to change people's choice.

History will never forget a day-light robbery like this one. It is the most unethical sham I have seen in my life time and I hope not to see another or even greater rape of democracy like this one.

I continue to maintain that Muhammad Buhari has never ruled this nation as a civilian and democratically elected President because he never won outrightly. You are enjoying a stolen glory and posterity will remember this for you and your living and yet to be born progeny

May God bless Nigeria

Breaking: Senator Dino Malaye wins, thanks people of Kogi West

Melaye, who contested on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), polled 85,395 votes, against his closest opponent, Smart Adeyemi, who secured 66,901 votes.

He immensely Thanked God for his reelection into Nigeria Senate in his tweeter handle. He said:
"To God alone be the glory forever and ever. Amen. I have just been declared winner of the Kogi West Senatorial District Election. God only You would have done this.""

He also thanked the people of a kogi West for their supports and expressed his love for them. Thus he said,

"Kogi West I thank you all. I love you all. What a mighty God we serve."

It is confirmed for Senator Dino Malaye has secured for himself an opportunity to serve in Nigeria Senate in the 10th Parliament of Nigeria Senate

BREAKING: Boko Haram On Rampage, Bombs Borno & Yobe

The enemies of Nigeria are at work this morning. It appears some people want INEC to stagger the elections at all cost and violence is the easiest way out for such characters. Could this be what is happening?

A series of explosions have rocked the northeast Nigerian city of Maiduguri on Saturday morning, just hours before the start of elections in presidential and parliamentary elections.
Multiple blasts were heard at about 6:00 am (0500 GMT), residents told AFP. There was no immediate indication of the cause but the city has been repeatedly attacked by Boko Haram Islamists.

Sources also confirmed to OluFamous.Com that Giedam town in Yobe state is under serious attack by the Boko Haram terrorists, with many Nigerians running for their life. 

Politics: You have no conscience - Naza Christian Iruka tells Gov. Obiano

It is time we have to wake from the deep slumber. We have been deceived on several counts by miscreant politicians with their sham and ridiculous utterances. They have lured us into delusion and hating people we should have loved and cherished. They have caused us to despise people we should have joined hands with to build a formidable Nigeria. They have used politics to divide us making the consolidating entities of the nation an incompatible and worst enemies ever. They called other parties, "Hausa/Fulani party" yet they are dining with them for their personal gain and gratification and at the detriment of Igbo people. 

When APGA was formed, they tagged it Igbo party with a slogan, 'Onye aghana nwanne ya'. This party has produced Mr. Peter Obi as the Governor of Anambra state, succeeded by Obiano, Rochas Okorocha as Imo state Governor, Senators, and many house of assembly members. We kept voting for them because we believed they are vying from our very own platform and also with the motive that they will abide by the party's slogan 'Onye aghana Nwanne ya' but today, the reverse is the case. Brothers don't keep their brothers anymore. They now betray their brothers hoping it's the shortcut to avert judgement and corruption charges when immunity coverage expires. It's really a disorientation. Judgement must surely have its course. It may be now or later but when ever its, restitution or suffering must surely take place.
Gov. Obiano has turned his back from our our brother we should have stood for. He plays politics without conscience. This is a man whose influence brought him to power as the Governor of Anambra States. He employed every professional and legally allowed tactics within his capacity to make him realize his dream but Gov. Obiano is so ungrateful to recall the past just because he wants to keep his romance with the presidency moving.

This is the means to an end and an end itself. Obiano and his APGA leaders cannot deceive us further. We are wiser and cannot be deceived again. APGA is not an Igbo Party as you alleged. It's a political party just like PDP, APC, and others. You have failed in leadership just like your pay master and therefore, your influence attracts no one. Go and cast your one vote to where you like while we all give our collective votes to Atiku/Obi (PDP☔).
You can't force a man who has portrayed inefficiency, and incapacity on us.

Together we save Nigeria
Vote PDP, Vote for Atiku/Obi
Christian Iruka Naza

Atiku Gets Big Boost; Parties Declare Him The Best Option

Opposition political parties on Thursday said the presidential candidate of the PDP, Atiku Abubakar, remained the only option available to Nigerians in tomorrow's very important election.

They have therefore called on all Nigerians to vote for Atiku.

The call was contained in an end of campaign message made available to journalists by the national spokesman for the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP), Ikenga Ugochinyere.

He said the present administration cannot boast of any meaningful achievement after almost four years in the saddle. He added that such a government did not deserve a fresh mandate.

The statement read, “The Nigerian opposition coalition, CUPP, after a careful review of the plans, programmes, and visions of all presidential candidates in the race have come to the unassailable conclusion that Alhaji Atiku Abubakar is the only available option for Nigeria’s survival.

“The incumbent President, after four years, can only show Nigerians eight fingers as his only achievements and not a single road, bridge, school, hospital, power plant, water project or other infrastructure initiated and completed throughout the entire tenure.

“We, therefore, urge all Nigerians to stand strong in our collective resolve to vote the PDP presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, come February 23. This is to guarantee the reclamation of our country from the current scavengers in power who do not care if our country breaks up or burns down.

“They are still grappling to fulfill any of the promises made to Nigerians and are repeating exactly the same promises again after four years without accepting and acknowledging their woeful performance, yet shamelessly and arrogantly asking Nigerians to mortgage another four years of our lives for them to gamble with.

“Atiku Abubakar’s Presidency will unite Nigeria, rebuild our economy and strengthen institutions of state so that we can return to the path of prosperity."

Buhari vs Atiku: 'I am coming back to Nigeria' - Nnamdi Kanu gave reasons why Saturday's election will not hold

The leader of the indigenous people of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu on Wednesday night, 20th February, 2019 during live broadcast has said that he is coming back to Nigeria in power and glory.

He said, "I’m coming to Nigeria, in power and glory. I’m coming fully prepared, whatever Nigerian government wants, we will do it there."

He went further to state how powerful and popular IPOB is around the world and how he has met with leaders of different countries around the world.
 “We called for boycott of the Zoo Elections. Nigeria was vibrating, we called it off they ran astray. That’s how powerful IPOB is". He said: “There’s no government in the world that doesn’t know about IPOB and fortunately I met most of them, we don’t publish all on social media."
“All these saboteurs you see online don’t exist. Check their profile and you’ll understand they’re fake. Just ignore them."
He lamented on the genocide being committed by Nigeria government, sponsored by Governor. Willie Obiano, Governor Okezie Ikpeazu, Gov. David Umahi and other Igbo leaders.
He said: “No amount of intimidation, arrest, killings will stop us from marching."

He described the coming Saturday's election as "sham" and doubted its possibility to hold because Jubril will be chased back to Sudan, saying that then, people will know that Buhari is dead.

He said: “Im not sure that their Shame election will hold on Saturday 23rd Feb; because Jubril will be chased back to Sudan, then you will know that Buhari is dead."

Furthermore, he said:
“There is no way Jubril can survive an election in this zoo."

Nigeria Police Force promised to provide adequate security and be apolitical during the election

Our well trained static tactical armed squad are currently guarding all retrieved sensitive/nonsensitive electoral materials across the country, we reiterate our readiness to provide adequate security and to be professional,nonpartisan & apolitical in the elections.

Imo APC chairman killed

Imo APC chairman killed while having dinner with family
Members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Logara/Umuohiagu Ward of Ngor Okpala LGA, Imo State have been thrown into mourning following the gruesome murder of their ward chairman, Mr Ifeanyi Ozoemena who was shot dead Tuesday night by unknown gunmen.
The slain party chairman who hails from Umuokeada Logara, was said to have been killed in his house barely two hours after he had hosted a well-attended ward meeting of the party in preparation for the rescheduled Presidential and National Assembly elections.
The deceased, a father of three kids was killed around 9:00 pm when some daredevil gunmen stormed his house and shot him point blank on the head and belly before fleeing into the night.
Community sources revealed that the killers had come in a red coloured Highlander SUV and had patrolled the area for hours before attacking the deceased.
Narrating her experience, Mrs. Ozoemena hinted that the killers came when she was having dinner with the husband and called him out of the house through a small boy in the compound.
She said that her husband went out to see who was looking for him and did not come back alive.
Her words, “After the meeting and people had dispersed, we went in to eat and it was while we were eating between 8:30pm and 9:00pm that a small boy in the compound came and called my husband that he had visitors.
“My husband went out to see the person and after staying for some time I went out to know who came to see him only to notice that one of the visitors was dragging him on the trousers. I tried to question why he was being held that way, one of the visitors brought out gun and shot him on his side through his ribs.
“Then they dragged him outside the compound and gave him the final gunshot on the forehead and belly and he died instantly and they killers zoomed off. I shouted but no one came to his rescue rather the neighbours fled into hiding on hearing the gunshots.”
Wailing profusely, Mrs Ozoemena, who is nursing a baby called on the APC and government at all levels and security agencies to fish out the killers of her husband and bring them to book.
It was however gathered that a Police Inspector who had unluckily ran into the killers during their dastardly operation was beaten to an inch of his life and is still fighting for his life in an undisclosed hospital.
The Logara Community had in the last week been under siege by men of the underworld who have been prowling the community unrestrained.
Only last weekend, a young girl from Awogwu Village in Logara Community was murdered in cold blood by persons suspected to be ritualists after raping her. Her assailants made away with parts of her body and pant.

Nigeria Senate President, Abubaka Bukola Saraki Congratulates Gov. Emmanuel Udom on Ibom-Air

Congratulations to Governor Udom Emmanuel and the great people of Akwa Ibom State on today’s commissioning of #IbomAir. Such projects demonstrate the ingenuity of PDP-led governments, and the commitment of our party to create jobs and encourage commerce across the nation.

Beautiful Final Year Student Dies In Terrible Accident

This is sad! A young Nigerian undergraduate lady has passed away after being involved in a fatal accident which happened yesterday along Auchi–Abuja expressway.

The beautiful lady identified as Testimony Ayewa, a final year student of Auchi Polytechnic in Edo state, returned from the village two days ago to resume first semester before the accident which killed her.

She boarded a commercial motorcycle with two of her friends (three passengers plus the motorcyclist, making it four people on the bike) on the fateful day...

The motorcycle left Campus 1 and was heading to Jattu junction, where they met a fuel tanker on the highway. In the course of the motorcyclist trying to overtake the tanker with speed, they were hit.

Two of Testimony’s friends survived the crash, as one came out with a broken hand while the other didn’t sustain any injury. The motorcyclist (Okada rider), was unconscious. Testimony, who was removed from the tyre of the trailer, died before she could be rushed to the hospital.

Senator Ben Murray-Bruce warned Nigeria armed forces

Senator Ben Murray-Bruce, representing Bayelsa East Constituency in Nigeria Senate has warned Nigeria armed forces to be law abiding. He further told them to arrest and prosecute anyone who err before, during and after the election in accordance with the provisions of Nigeria constitution.  Read his full text on Facebook bellow:

"The armed forces must remember that they took an oath to be faithful, loyal and honest to Nigeria, not to any political party and its members.

Before, during and after elections, we have laws against criminal behaviour and if our security forces shooing catch any Nigerian citizen breaking these laws then they should arrest and prosecute them in line with those laws."

Mother & Daughter Arrested For Stealing 4-year-old Child (Photos)

A 42-year old woman and her daughter have been arrested for allegedly stealing a 4-year-old child, Mesoma Ikoko in Onitsha, Anambra state. The suspects, Ngozi Ede and Kosiso Ede (17), were said to have stolen the baby from the custody of her mother.

They had sold the baby for N250,000 to a woman before they were apprehended.

Confirming the incident, the State Police Public Relations’ Officer, Mohammed Haruna, said the suspects, including the buyer were arrested following discrete investigation.

He said the sum of N250,000 suspected to be part of the proceeds of the illicit transaction was recovered as exhibit.

He said, “13/02/2019 at about 5:20pm, Police detectives attached to Awada Division arrested one Ngozi Ede ‘f’ aged 42 years and her daughter Kosiso Ede ‘f’ aged 17 years of No 4 Ukaegbu Junction, Awada.

“Suspects have conspired and stole one Mesoma Ikoko aged 4 years from the custody of her Mother, one Nneka Ikoko ‘f’ of Mammy market, Army Barracks, Onitsha on the 10/02/2019.

“Preliminary investigation further led to the arrest of one Ifeoma Okeke ‘f’ aged 45 years who collected the child from the above mentioned suspects and handed over to one Ifeoma.”

In a related case, two persons, Nwakaeze Chukwuebuka (29) and John Udechukwu (28) were arrested over alleged threat to kidnap a 58-year old woman in Ihialla.

The suspects were said to have also made a demand of N2million ransom.

The police spokesperson, Mohammed Haruna, confirmed the incident, saying the case was being investigated.

“On 8/2/2019 at about 9pm, following intelligence report, Police detectives attached to the Command Special Anti-robbery Squad arrested the suspects.

“Suspects had on the 4/2/2019 threatened to kidnap one Mrs. Anatestial Orji ‘f ‘ aged 58 years of Umueze Ihiala through a strange phone call or pay a ransom of two Million Naira.”

He said the suspects had confessed voluntarily, listing the exhibits recovered in their possession to include the phone used in perpetrating the crime.

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